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Autumn Snow recalls a moment when nature offered a rare variety. It happened years ago, but lives in my memory still. Nanette and I heard reports of an early snow, which had fallen east of our hometown of Placerville, where the American River winds its way out of the Sierra Mountains. We laced up our boots and set off to see for ourselves. We tramped through clean, deep patches of new snow until we came upon the river. The trees along the stream flamed orange and gold in their final blaze of fall color. The new fallen snow still clung to them, adding winter’s glistening white to the glory of autumn. The effect was breathtaking. I painted Autumn Snow some years ago and its meaning has deepened for me as I pass through the seasons of my own life. The coming together of fall colors with the dazzle of winter white reminds me that each stage of our lives has its special pleasures and purposes. In that spirit, I offer it to you now.

Cabins and Landscapes - Thomas Kinkade

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