Travis Luckhurst
Illustrator | Painter
My name is Travis Luckhurst and I'm an artist from sunny San Diego, California. I've been interested in all types of art for as long as I can remember and started my career as a tattoo artist, eventually becoming the founder of my own tattoo shop in La Jolla, California called Axion tattoo. After 22 years in the field, I decided I wanted to move in a different direction and become a gallery artist! I've had so many ideas over the years that never got a chance to come to light. My style is Pop Surrealism that is rooted in fantasy and science fiction. I draw and paint a lot of charismatic characters that evoke emotional narratives are relatable in some way to the nature of us as humans. While I generally work in acrylic, I sometimes also use colored pencils, watercolors and markers to highlight the overall pieces. I've been so excited to have the opportunity to showcase my works. Earlier this year my artwork was featured at Comic Con, San Diego, and I've had numerous opportunities to display the works in art shows and public spaces. I love to bring the community together for these events and am always grateful and humbled by the appreciation and support I've garnered along the way. I am truly blessed to do what I love the most for a living, and I hope my wok brings a smile to your face today. Please check out my website also for updated evens and other merchandise, including high quality prints:
My Introductory Video