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How can my content be featured on the Medelz homepage?

Medelz uses a combination of human curators and AI algorithms to select and feature...

Can I upload both video (MP4) and audio (MP3) files?

Yes, we support both audio (MP3) and video (MP4) formats, so you can submit...

What should I do if I encounter technical issues while uploading my video?

If you experience any technical issues, please contact our support team at [email protected]  

What are the format requirements for uploading videos?

Videos should be in MP4 format, with a resolution of up to 1080p, and...

Who owns the rights to my music or art when I submit it to Medelz?

You own the rights to your original music or art. For us to use,...

Can I post my content from other platforms on Medelz?

Yes, we accept content that you have an ownership of even if you have...

How can my music or art be “Featured” on Medelz homepage?

The website uses a combination of human curators and AI algorithms to select and...

What kind of content do you allow on the website?

Medelz welcomes a wide variety of original content from creators. All content must be...
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